@COND_COLOR & @COND_COLOR2 (Conditional Colors)

These macros create a "conditional color" that will be applied to a marker/riser when a specified condition is matched.


@COND_COLOR nSeries nGroup nCondition fValue nRed nGreen nBlue
@COND_COLOR2 nSeries nGroup nCondition fValue nRed nGreen nBlue


nSeries; -1...n (where: n = the total number of series in the chart). -1 = apply to all series, 0 = Series 1, 1 = Series 2, etc.

nGroup; -1...n (where: n = the total number of groups in the chart). -1 = apply to all groups, 0 = Group 1, 1 = Group 2, etc.

nCondition; 0...7 selects one of the following conditions:

fValue; value to compare the riser value to in order to determine whether or not to apply the Conditional color

nRed, nGreen, nBlue; 0...255 specifies the RGB value of the Conditional color.


@COND_COLOR 0 0 0 4.75 255 0 0

@USER_FILL .7 1 0 1 245 245 180 Projected
@COND_COLOR -1 12 6 0 133 133 173
@ASL 0 Total Sales

@Y1BASE 300
@COND_COLOR -1 -1 0 300 133 133 173




You can set two conditional colors per chart using @COND_COLOR and @COND_COLOR2. However, you can also use the nSeries and nGroup settings to apply to ALL RISERS (nSeries = -1, nGroup = -1), ALL GROUPS IN A SERIES (nSeries = 0...n, nGroup = -1), ALL SERIES IN A GROUP (nSeries = -1, nGroup = 0...n) or A PARTICULAR RISER (nSeries = 0...n, nGroup = 0...n).

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