Chapter 5:
File I/O
This chapter describes the file I/O functions that are available in the PGSDK library: |
PGSDK includes the following generic file input/output functions that can be used in any application development platform: |
IOclose: Platform independent file close |
IOconnect: Associates platform specific file reference w/IO path structure |
IOgetc: Platform independent getc - get a character from file |
IOgets: Platform independent gets - get a string from file |
IOopen: Platform independent file open |
IOread: Platform independent read - read from file |
IOseek: Platform independent seek - seek into file |
IOwrite: Platform independent write - write to file |
A PGSDK graph can be loaded from or saved to a Tagged Information File Format (TIFF) file. The Load_TIFFGraph() function loads a TIFF format file into a 3D Graph Structure. The graph structure identified by pGraph must be preallocated and zeroed before this function is called: |
INT16 Load_TIFFGraph ( |
The Save_TIFFGraph() function saves a graph structure into a binary or ASCII file. |
INT16 Save_TIFFGraph ( |
In both functions, the ulRequest parameter can be used to identify the information to be loaded or saved: |
REQUEST_TDL (0x00DF): Look of the graph only (template) |
REQUEST_TDC (0x00FF): Look of the graph and chart data |
REQUEST_TDF (0x01FF): Look of the graph and chart data and TIFF Thumbnail |
REQUEST_THUMBFILEDESCRIPTION (0x0200): Thumbnail File Description |
See the PGSDK API Guide for a description of these and other API functions that support the TIFF file format. |
The following code segment shows how these functions are used to save and load a graph: |
nError=TestStruct_PackAllDummyData((GraphPtr) |
The RAM file functions provide your application with the ability to save a chart to memory instead of a file. |
AllocRamFile; allocate a RAM File memory structure |
FreeRamFile; free a RAM File memory structure |
GetRamFileName; returns an ASCII coded character name for RAM File |
GetRamFileBuffer; get memory address of RAM File |
AllocRamFile: The first step in using a RAM file is to allocate a memory structure to hold the contents of the graph. The AllocRamFile() function allocates a RAM File memory structure and returns a pointer to the allocated memory location as shown in the following example: |
/*** Create a new ramfile*/ |
GetRamFileName: This function returns an ASCII coded character name for the RAM File. |
/* Convert ramfile ptr to a |
GetRamFileBuffer: This function gets the memory address of RAM File. |
/* Get memory address of ramfile */ |
FreeRamFile: This function frees the RAM File memory structure. |
/* Destroy the ramfile */ |