This macro specifies where data text is drawn in a waterfall chart.
@WF_CENTERTEXT bCenterText nOverFlowPercentage nExtraKerning nStackMarkerSize
bCenterText; 0/1
0 = Do not center text
1 = Center Text
nOverFlowPercentage; -100...100
< 0 makes data text stay on top of risers in more situations
> 0 make data text more likely to stack above riser
nExtraKerning; -1000..1000 Add or subtract extra vertical space between stacked labels drawing above stack.
> 0 add more space.
< 0 reduce space
nStackMarkerSize; -1...1000
-1 = Labels will be color coded to marker color and draw above the stack
0 = Labels will not draw (labels do not fit and are not wanted)
1...1000 = Labels draw in standard global datatext color. An additional rectangular marker of virtual size nStackMarkerSize is drawn to left of the datatext label.EXAMPLE:
@WF_CENTERTEXT 1 0 -20 400
Crystal Reports 11 or Higher
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