Presentation Graphics SDK
Techical Notes
PGSDK provides the tools you need to add professional charts and graphs to an application. The chart is drawn in your application's window or child window within the rectangular location your application indicates. Your application can draw any number of charts in any number of windows. It is limited only by available memory and Windows system resources. |
Also see these topics for more information: |
Any Output DC: Drawing can be performed to any output DC -- screen, printer, memory and Windows metafile (WMF). This allows your application to copy a chart to the clipboard as a metafile picture or a bitmap. PGSDK supports True Windows copy and paste capability. |
Selection Highlight: User-selected objects are easy to highlight. Minimal code is required to highlight a user selection and provide visual feedback to the user |
Move and Resize Objects: Title, Subtitle, Footnote, Row Title, Column Title, Axis Titles, Frame, and Legend objects can be moved and sized dynamically by the user. When an object is selected and highlighted, eight resize handles appear on the object's bounding box. You can resize by clicking and dragging. PGSDK supplies sample code to show how easily this is done. |
Annotations: You can draw rectangles, rounded rectangles, ellipses, polygons, lines, arrows, free hand lines, and text boxes. |
Vertical/Horizontal Charts: 2D Bar, Line, and Area charts can be displayed vertically or horizontally. |
Numeric Text Formats: Numeric text supports a wide variety of formats for miscellaneous values, dollar amounts, percentages, scientific notation, thousands, and millions. |
Date & Time: PGSDK supports these data/time formats: "2/25/64", "Feb 25", "Tuesday, February 25, 1964", "18:56" (24 hr. time), "Feb 25, 64", "Feb 64", "Feb 25, 64 6:56 PM" |
Object Poke Through: PGSDK supports the ability to find the next object even when objects are layered on top of each other. Just because an object is underneath doesn't mean it can't be selected. |
Horizontal or Vertical Legends: Legends can be oriented horizontally or vertically or as rows and columns under your applications control. |
Emphasize a Data Series: In a bar, line, or area chart a data series can be emphasized by drawing it as another chart type. For example, on a side by side bar chart your application can make one of the data series draw as a line or area riser. |
A Cross-Platform solution: PGSDK is the only library available for Windows (16&32 bit), Macintosh (680x0 & PowerMac), UNIX, and OS/2. With standard ANSI-C calls that work identically on all computers, you can be guaranteed of having great graphics regardless of the development platform, now or in the future. |
Two different data models: PGSDK provides two unique ways of inserting data into a graph. |
1. |
Data Callbacks: User-defined functions that the library calls when it draws a riser (basically, you provide the numbers only at the exact moment the library needs to chart them). Perfect for large and/or constantly changing data sets since it avoids constant update and storage issues. |
2. |
Send Data Interface: A family of functions that allow you to "send" data to a chart where it is stored for you. |
Graphs that actually draw in your own window: Unlike some competitors that draw your chart in another window and then attempt to ''paste" the finished chart in your application, PGSDK creates charts in the Windows DC of your choice. This provides the fastest, cleanest and most intimate link possible. |
On-screen editing and detection: PGSDK lets you click on any chart element and move or resize it. PGSDK provides XOR handles and highlights so that users get visual feedback on what items have been selected. Specialized feedback functions provide all the information needed to create data drill-down effects and provide an unparalleled degree of chart customization. |
Advanced Special Effects: When you want to add some sizzle to your application, nothing quite compares to the effects offered by PGSDK. You can put bitmap or vector images on any chart element (choose if they stretch-to-fit or tile!). You can add drop-shadows or any of 16 types of gradient fills. You can even create Pictogram chart types for that "USA Today" look. |
Left-to-Right and Up-Down Charts: PGSDK has Bi-polar, dual-Y, Horizontal/Vertical and Ascending/Descending controls. You can create special effects such as bar charts that draw from the top down or comparison charts that draw from the middle out (for example, boys on the left and girls on the right). |
Fantastic 3D Charts! PGSDK offers complete customization of your 3D viewing parameters as well as 16 "preset" 3D Viewing Angles so you can provide your users a multitude of ways to see their data without fear of getting lost in 3D space. |
AutoFit Font Technology: PGSDK has font technology that allows you to resize the chart in any manner without destroying its readability. Whether Big, Small, Short & Wide, Tall & Skinny, it will automatically select a font size that looks good so you get great looking charts every time. |
Endless Customization: With PGSDK, you get individual control over the Pie Thickness, Location, Tilt Angle, Rotation Direction, Start Angle, Feeler Position and much more. You also get complete control over the text size and location. With every chart type, PGSDK provides a range of custom features. |
Full Internationalization Support: If your plans include overseas sale or development, PGSDK is a worldwide charting tool. With features like automatic detection of currency and decimal symbols, easily editable resource strings and double-byte character support, this library is ready to go wherever you go. |
Undo and Redo Support: PGSDK also provides a powerful undo/redo facility so your users can experiment without any fear of wasting time/destroying previous work. Choose from last-action or Anchor-style undo schemes. |
RAMFILES: The Presentation Graphics SDK has the ability to load and save chart files directly into memory (called RAMFILES). This provides you with the ability to store frequently used chart templates in resources or embed your user's charts inside your own file format. |
Year 2000 Compliant: The PGSDK does not manipulate, store, or transform any dates or date-related numbers, strings, or tags anywhere in its code. It cannot be affected in any way by date changes on a client machine. This compliance has been tested and verified at Three |D| Graphics. |
Open GL: Advanced 3D Rendering is an alternate form of drawing that is optionally done when a client calls DrawTheGraph(). Instead of platform-specific API calls (for example to the Windows GDI or Macintosh Toolbox), Advanced 3D uses the OpenGL graphics library to display complex 3D versions of charts with dynamic lighting, z-buffering, 3D text, true texture-mapping and other visual enhancements. In addition, OpenGL takes advantage of any available 3D hardware acceleration if the proper drivers are installed. Advanced 3D attributes use the OpenGL libraries developed by Sun and currently supported by Microsoft. |
Visualize Features: The Visualize features can be used to: 1) make any series, group, or individual riser transparent, 2) suppress any series, group or individual riser (with optional rescaling), or 3) apply a glow effect to any series, group, or individual riser. |
Curve Fits: PGSDK supports Mean, Median and Standard Deviation curve fits. Advanced curve fitting: Nth-order polynomials, Best-Fit, Error-bars, etc. |
Multi-Dimensional Labels: PGSDK supports multi-dimensional (also known as "hierichal") ordinal axis labels. |
User Interface Dialogs: A complete set of Microsoft Office-style Tabbed Dialogs are built directly into PGSDK for use in custom applications. It includes a Chart Type dialog with a customizable gallery of chart templates. It also includes Grids & Scales, Titles & Labels, Chart Options, Series Options, and a complete Formatting dialog with built-in gradients, textures, and pictures! |
Import/Export Chart from/to JAVA Script Files: Based on special customer request, PGSDK includes API functions that can be used to read and write Java Script Files that are compatible with the Three |D| Graphics Perspective for Java product. For an export operation, you can write the chart "look" only or the graph and its data. |
What you get...
The contents of the PGSDK will be slightly different depending on your development platform. It will always include: |
One or more dynamic link library (.DLL) files. These files must be included with your application's distribution package. |
One or more library (.LIB) files. These files provides access to the PGSDK API calls. |
One or more header (.H) files. These files contain all PGSDK declarations, function prototypes, data structures, and constants to compile your application. |
Sample Files: Numerous programming examples show how to access and use API calls and implement features in your program. All of the Features described above are demonstrated in the sample programs. Each program is fully commented. Examples are included for C, C++, Visual Basic, Power Builder, and Actor. |
Documentation: The following documents describe the Presentation Graphics SDK: |
1. |
Presentation Graphics SDK Programmer's Manual (this manual): Describes now to install and use the SDK. |
2. |
Presentation Graphics SDK Attributes Guide: Describes each of the attributes that can be applied to objects in a chart. |
3. |
Presentation Graphics SDK API Guide: Describes each of the API functions that are available in the graphics library. |
These documents are provided in Hypertext Markup Language (.HTML) format. They are also available in Microsoft Word 97 (.DOC) format. |
The process of creating a graph requires these steps: |
1. |
Initialize the Library. Your application must initialize the library. This is only done once in your application. |
// Status of function calls |
2. |
Allocate a Graph Pointer to set aside the memory needed for the graph. |
// Pointer to a graph object |
3. |
Allocate a Draw Environment (DE) to set aside memory needed to describe device context (DC) information. |
//Pointer to standard draw environment |
4. |
Connect a Data Source. The library calls functions in your application to retrieve the data for charting and the strings used for titles and labels. This example uses the data callback method of accessing data. |
BOOL PUBLIC InitDataCallBacks(HINSTANCE hInst, |
The data callback version is just one of the data interfaces available with the graphics library. It is used here as an example for setting the data callbacks in an application. |
5. |
Load a Chart Template File into the graph structure. Loading the template file initializes the graph pointer structure with information describing the chart appearance. |
INT16 Load_TIFFGraph ( |
If you provide the ability to select and modify the attributes of chart objects, a selection list pointer must be initialized. |
SelListPtr gpList; /* ptr to Selection List */ |
6. |
Set the Destination Rectangle. The destination rectangle defines (in pixels) the coordinates on the output device context to image the chart. |
// Rectangle in the client area |
7. |
Draw the graph. Drawing the chart is normally accomplished as a result of a WM_PAINT message from Windows. |
void CMysampView::OnDraw(CDC* pDC) |
If you provide the ability to select and modify the attributes of chart objects, a selection list pointer must be initialized. Example: |
CComSelList::CComSelList() |
User selections are made by the detection of a mouse click on a chart object. During the chart drawing process a detection node (detnode) is created for each object on the screen. A detnode describes the object, e.g. its position on the screen, series and group number, color, font, line size, object type, etc. Detnodes are created for all the objects on the chart, title, frame, risers, legend, grid lines, areas, etc. |
The detnode is passed to a selection list API to add the object to the selection list. A selection list is a linked list of user-selected objects. This allows the user to use SHIFT-left-click to keep adding objects to the selection list and modify an attribute to effect all selected objects. This sample adds and removes items from a selection list: |
void CComSelList::SelectObject( CComDrawEnv& de, |
/* NO SHIFT KEY */ |
//========================================= |
// a curve has more than one detnode (with the |
::Select_CalcHandlesItem((DrawEnvPtr)de.GetDrawEnv(), |
Highlighting objects in the selection list is also easy. Example: |
void CComSelList::XOR_SelItem( |
Modifying object attributes can change the appearance of the chart. The library defines over 200 attributes that specify the appearance of objects in a chart. In functionality, the attributes range from draw/no draw attributes to size/location attributes to color and special effects. There are basically six API functions that provide the interface to get and set chart object attributes. |
These API functions can be used to determine the current or default value of an attribute: |
GetGraphAttr(); Get attribute information for a specific graph object |
GetGraphAttrSI(); Get attribute information for a specific item in a selection list |
GetGraphAttrSL(); Get attribute information for the first item in a selection list |
The GetGraphAttr() function lets you request attribute information for a specific object. The following example requests the color (A_FONTCOLOR_RGB) attribute of the graph's title object (O5D_LBLTITLE): |
nRet = GetGraphAttr(pGraph, GRAPH_LAYER, |
Rather than identifying a specific Object ID, the GetGraphAttrSI() function lets you choose the object as an item in a selection list. The following example requests the color of the font (A_FONTCOLOR_RGB) for the item in the selection list at gpSelItem: |
nRet = GetGraphAttrSI ( |
The GetGraphAttrSL() function requests attribute information for the first item in a selection list. The following example requests the color of the font (A_FONTCOLOR_RGB) for the first item in the selection list at gpList: |
nRet = GetGraphAttrSL( |
There are three API functions that can be used to set the value of an attribute: |
SetGraphAttr(); Set attribute information for a specific object |
SetGraphAttrSI(); Set attribute information for a specific item in a selection list |
SetGraphAttrSL(); Set attribute information for all items in a selection list where the attribute is applicable. |
In all three cases, you identify an attribute by its attribute code and specify attribute information that you want to apply to an object in the graph. The SetGraphAttrSL function will only choose items in the selection list that are appropriate to the attribute being used. For example, the A_AREACOLOR_RGB attribute can only be applied to area objects. If there are no area objects in the selection list, the SetGraphAttrSL() function is ignored and a failure status is returned. Also note that other factors/attributes may eliminate some items from being chosen by SetGraphAttrSL(). If an item's A_AREACOLOR_NONE attribute is applied (for example), the color cannot be changed by A_AREACOLOR_RGB. |
The following example sets the color attribute (A_FONTCOLOR_RGB) of the graph's title object (O5D_LBLTITLE) to the color values stored at titlecolor. |
//set the color of the title to red |
The following example sets the alignment (A_FONTALIGN) of a text object at gpSelItem to right justified (&Right): |
nRet=SetGraphAttrSI( |
The following example sets the font color (A_FONTCOLOR_RGB) for all selected text items in the selection list at gpList to the color values stored at aRGB[i]: |
nRet = SetGraphAttrSL ( |
Common Attributes used in all charts |
ABA_ Bar/Area Attributes |
Color Model Attributes |
Common attributes can be applied to any of the chart types. |
An area on a chart can be a riser, marker, wall, or background. Any part of the chart that has a surface is considered an area |
A_AREABACKCOLOR; Area background color |
A_AREACOLOR_ALPHA; Opacity/Transparency for areas |
A_AREACOLOR_NONE; Area Color None (transparent) |
A_AREACOLOR_RGB; Area Color definition |
A_AREADROPSHADOW; Area Drop Shadow |
A_AREAPATTERN; Area pattern definition |
A_AREASFX; Area Special Effects definition |
Font attributes can be applied to any text on the chart: |
A_FONT_FANCYBOX; Font Fancy Box definition |
A_FONT_LEADING; Font Leading |
A_FONTALIGN; Font Alignment |
A_FONTBACKCOLOR; Font Background Color |
A_FONTCHARSET; Font Character Set |
A_FONTCOLOR_NONE; Font Color None (transparent) |
A_FONTCOLOR_RGB; Font Color definition |
A_FONTDROPSHADOW; Font Drop Shadow |
A_FONTNAME; Font Name |
A_FONTNAME_MBC; Font Name using mix single-byte fonts |
A_FONTORIENT; Font Orientation |
A_FONTORIENTCUSTOM; Font Orientation Custom angle |
A_FONTPATTERN; Font Pattern definition |
A_FONTSFX; Font Special Effects definition |
A_FONTSIZE_LIMIT; Font Size Limit |
A_FONTSIZE_POINT_100; Font Point Size in 100th/Point Units |
A_FONTSIZE_VC; Font Size in Virtual Coordinates |
A_FONTSTYLE; Font Style (underline, bold, etc.) |
Glow attributes apply an alpha-channel color/glow to riser objects. |
A_GLOW; Glow data objects mode on/off |
A_GLOW_COLOR; Glow data object's color |
A_GLOW_MODE; Glow inside, outside, both |
A_GLOW_THICKNESS; Glow thickness |
This attribute defines the graph type (3D, bar, line, area, pie, etc.) and sub-type: |
A_GRAPH_PRESET; Graph Preset (graph type and subtype) |
Line attributes can be applied to any line on the chart |
A_LINECOLOR_ALPHA; Opacity/Transparency for lines |
A_LINECOLOR_NONE; Line Color None (transparent) |
A_LINECOLOR_RGB; Line Color definition |
A_LINEPATTERN; Line Pattern (e.g. solid, dash, dot, dot and dash) |
A_LINESFX; Line Special Effects definition |
A_LINEWIDTH; Line Width (in virtual coordinates) |
A_LINEWIDTH_POINT_100; Line Width in 100th/Point Units |
Location attributes are available for the title, subtitle, and footnote: |
A_LOCATE_FOOTNOTE; Locate Footenote (position/size of bounding box) |
A_LOCATE_FRAME; Locate Frame (position/size of chart frame) |
A_LOCATE_SUBTITLE; Locate Subtitle (position/size of bounding box) |
A_LOCATE_TITLE; Locate Title (position/size of bounding box) |
Other common attributes include: |
A_LOCK_FONTSIZE; Lock Font Size |
A_SHOW_FOOTNOTE; Show/Hide Footnote |
A_SHOW_SUBTITLE; Show/Hide Subtitle |
A_SHOW_TITLE; Show/Hide Title |
A_SUPPRESS; Suppress data |
2-D attributes are those that relate specifically to two-dimensional graph types, bar, line, area, and scatter (XY). Most of the 2-D attributes control the appearance of the chart as a whole: |
Description |
Advanced Curvefits on a particular series |
Autofit All (global autofitting) |
Autofit Data Text |
Autofit Legend |
Autofit labels on an ordinal axis |
Autofit labels on a numeric axis |
Bar Group Spacing in side by side bar chart |
Bar Riser Width of all risers in a bar chart |
A2D_BASEVALUE_X/_Y1/_Y2/_Y3/_Y4 |
Define the base value from which values are drawn on a numeric axis |
Bubble Grid Count on the X-axis |
Bubble Grid Count on the Y-axis |
Bubble Grid Position on the X-Axis |
Bubble Grid Position on the Y-Axis |
Color By Series or group |
Connect bars in a stacked bar chart |
Curve Color As Series |
Curve Moving average line data points |
Curve Smooth data points |
Data Format of data input to a 2D graph |
Data Format Vertical orientation of data points |
Depth Angle of 3D effect on surface areas of a 2D chart |
Depth Thickness of 3D effect on a 2D chart |
Depth Mode of 3D effect on a 2D chart |
A2D_DIRECTION_X/_Y1/_Y2/_Y3/_Y4/_Z |
Direction and order of a numeric axis |
A2D_EXCLUDE_ZERO_X/_Y1/_Y2/_Y3/_Y4/_Z |
Exclude zero as numeric axis origin based on data range |
Format Series-Dependent Line formula and coefficient values |
Format Series-Dependent Line formula and coefficient values advanced |
A2D_FORMAT_X/_Y1/_Y2/_Y3/_Y4/_Z |
Format numeric axis labels |
A2D_FORMAT_X/_Y1/_Y2/_Y3/_Y4/_Z_ADV |
Advanced formatting of numeric axis labels |
A2D_FORMATDTXT_X/_Y1/_Y2/_Y3/_Y4 |
Format Data Text on a numeric axis |
Advanced formatting of data text on a numeric axis |
A2D_GRID_STEP_X/_Y1/_Y2/_Y3/_Y4/_Z |
Grid Steps on a numeric axis |
Gridlines On Top of all other objects in the chart |
A2D_GRIDLINES_X/_Y1/_Y2/_Y3/_Y4/_Z |
Gridlines on a numeric axis |
Gridlines on an ordinal axis |
Grid Mode Major on the O1-Axis |
Grid Mode Minor on the O1-Axis |
Highlight Color of a group in a series |
Ignore Group |
Ignores Series |
Label Mode on an ordinal axis |
Label Wrap Lines on the O1-axis |
Label Wrap Mode on the O1-axis |
Legend Fancy Box definition |
Legend Placement |
Legend Marker Orientation |
Locate Legend |
Locate Linear Regression Text |
A2D_LOCATE_TITLE_X/_Y1/_Y2/_Y3/_Y4 |
Locate a numeric axis title |
A2D_LOG_X/_Y1/_Y2/_Y3/_Y4 |
Logarithmic/linear scaling on a numeric axis |
Unit/Scale to stack pictograms |
Marker Shape in a 2D Chart |
Marker Shape in a 2D Chart for a series |
Marker Size in a 2D Chart |
Marker Size in a 2D Chart for a series |
Move series in a stacked bar chart |
Define Multi-Y axis information |
Ordinal Axis Space Mode |
Orientation (horizontal/vertical) of chart |
A2D_PLACE_O1_/O2 |
Place data value on risers on an ordinal axis |
A2D_PLACE_X/_Y1/_Y2/_Y3/_Y4 |
Place data values on risers on a numeric axis |
Pre-Series Dependent connection line |
Pre-Series Dependent connection line with breaks for missing data points |
Pre-Series Dependent step connection line |
Pre-Series Dependent step connection line with breaks for missing data points |
Pre-Series Dependent vertical step connection line |
A2D_SCALE_X/_Y1/_Y2/_Y3/_Y4/_Z |
Scaling on a numeric axis |
Scale Base of negative risers in a 2D chart |
Scale End on an ordinal axis |
A2D_SCALEEND_X/_Y1/_Y2/_Y3/_Y4/_Z |
Scale End on a numeric axis |
Scale Frequency Begin on an ordinal axis |
Scale Frequency Begin on a numeric axis |
Scale Frequency End on an ordinal axis |
Scale Frequency End on a numeric axis |
Scale Frequency of labels on an ordinal axis |
A2D_SCALEFREQ_X/_Y1/_Y2/_Y3/_Y4 |
Scale Frequency of labels on a numeric axis |
Scientific Moving Average curve definition |
Series-Dependent Show/Hide DataText |
Series-Dependent Data Line Type (markers, lines, or both) |
Series-Dependent Emphasize a series |
Series-Dependent Line Connecting a series |
Series-Dependent Line Curve connecting a series |
Series-Dependent Correction coefficient text |
Series-Dependent Exponential linear regression line |
Series-Dependent Formula text for the linear regression lines |
Series-Dependent Linear Regression Line |
Series-Dependent common log linear regression line |
Series-Dependent Natural Log linear regression line |
Series-Dependent Polynomial fit line |
Series-Dependent degree of linear regression for the polynomial fit line |
Series-Dependent Mean average line |
Series-Dependent Moving Average line |
Series-Dependent Standard Deviation line |
Series Labels to the right or left of Chart frame |
Show/Hide bubble grid |
Show/Hide Data Text |
Show/Hide connecting line between data text and riser/marker |
Show/Hide line to divide a bipolar chart |
Show/Hide Error Bars |
Show/Hide Legend in a 2D chart |
A2D_SHOW_O1_/O2 |
Show/Hide ordinal axis line and text headers |
Show/Hide Off-Scale values on a numeric axis |
Show/Hide Quadrants in a Bubble Chart |
Show/Hide Series Title |
A2D_SHOW_TITLE_X/_Y1/_Y2/_Y3/_Y4 |
Show/Hide a numeric axis title |
A2D_SHOW_X/_Y1/_Y2/_Y3/_Y4 |
Show/Hide a numeric axis |
A2D_SHOW_ZL_X/_Y1/_Y2/_Y3/_Y4 |
Show/Hide zero line on a numeric axis |
A2D_SIDE_O1/_O2 |
Side of chart ordinal axis labels are displayed |
A2D_SIDE_X/_Y1/_Y2/_Y3/_Y4 |
Side of chart numeric axis labels are displayed |
Size of Error Bars |
Assign series to Y1 or Y2 axis in a BiPolar Chart |
Split Y1/Y2 position in a BiPolar Chart |
Square Legend Icons |
Stagger ordinal axis labels |
A2D_STAGGER_X/_Y1/_Y2/_Y3/_Y4/_Z |
Stagger numeric axis labels |
Symbol For Series in a 2D chart |
Uniform Quantitative Data Representation (Riser) Border colors |
Uniform Quantitative Data Representation (Riser) Shapes |
Enable/Disable manual pictograph scaling |
User-Specified girdline on an axis |
User-Specified gridline show/hide |
User-Specified gridline location |
3D attributes relate to the 3D graph types. Most of them control the appearance of the chart as a whole: |
Description |
Autofit entire cube when 3D chart is rotated |
Autofit Data Labels in a 3D chart |
Autofit Legend in a 3D chart |
Autofit Text in a 3D chart |
Auto Shade the 3D cube in a 3D chart |
Auto Shade the 3D risers in a 3D chart |
Axis Divisions-X on cube walls in a 3D chart |
Axis Divisions-Y on cube walls in a 3D chart |
Axis Divisions-Z on cube walls in a 3D chart |
Custom View angle in a 3D chart |
Data Format of data input to a 3D graph |
Fixed 2D Text or 3D appearance sizing in a 3D chart |
Font Box definition in a 3D chart |
Font Margin between text object and its box |
Font Offset from axis to text object |
Font Size of a text object in a 3D chart |
Font Width of a 3D text object relative to its height |
Format X-axes labels in a 3D chart |
Format Y-axes labels in a 3D chart |
Format Z-axes labels in a 3D chart |
Glow Risers in a 3D chart |
Graph By What (series, group, or series & group) |
Show/Hide gridlines on 3D cube floor |
Show/Hide gridlines on 3D cube left wall |
Show/Hide gridlines on 3D risers |
Show/Hide gridlines on 3D cube right wall |
Ignore Series in a 3D chart |
Inset Legend Icon in a 3D chart |
Inset Legend Text in a 3D chart |
Justifiy 3D text object |
Locate 2D column title in a 3D chart |
Locate Legend in a 3D chart |
Locate 2D left Y1-axis title in a 3D chart |
Locate 2D row title in a 3D chart |
Locate 2D right Y1-axis title in a 3D chart |
Marker Shape in a 3D chart |
Marker Shape Default in a 3D chart |
Marker Size in a 3D chart |
Rescale On Suppress after visualize attributes |
Riser Thickness of risers in a 3D chart |
Scale Base of netative risers in a 3D chart |
Scale End on the X-axis in a 3D chart |
Scale End on the Y-axis in a 3D chart |
Scale End on the Z-axis in a 3D chart |
Scale Frequency on the X-axis in a 3D chart |
Scale Frequency on the Y-axis in a 3D chart |
Scale Frequency on the Z-axis in a 3D chart |
Scale Range on the X-axis in a 3D chart |
Scale Range on the Y-axis in a 3D chart |
Scale Range on the Z-axis in a 3D chart |
Scale Type (logrithmic or linear) on the X-axis in a 3D chart |
Scale Type (logrithmic or linear) on the Y-axis in a 3D chart |
Scale Type (logrithmic or linear) on the Z-axis in a 3D chart |
Scatter line connecting markers in a series |
Scatter line from each marker to left wall of a 3D cube |
Scatter line from each marker to floor of a 3D cube |
Scatter line from each marker to right wall of a 3D cube |
Series Type selects riser type for a series or group in a 3D chart |
Show/Hide Floor of the 3D cube |
Show/Hide Legend in a 3D chart |
Show/Hide Left Wall of the 3D cube |
Show/Hide Right Wall of the 3D cube |
Show/Hide box around data labels in a 3D chart |
Show/Hide offscale values on the X-axis in a 3D chart |
Show/Hide offscale values on the Y-axis in a 3D chart |
Show/Hide offscale values on the Z-axis in a 3D chart |
Show/Hide all text in a 3D chart |
Show/Hide Column Headers in a 3D Chart |
Show/Hide Column Title in a 3D Chart |
Show/Hide Data Labels in a 3D Chart |
Show/Hide labels next to left wall of 3D cube |
Show/Hide title next to left wall of 3D cube |
Show/Hide labels next to right wall of 3D cube |
Show/Hide title next to right wall of 3D cube |
Show/Hide row headers in a 3D chart |
Show/Hide Row Title in a 3D chart |
Square Legend Icons in a 3D chart |
Suppress Riser(s) in a 3D chart |
Symbol For Series in a 3D chart |
Text Position in a 3D chart |
Text Quality of headers, titles, & labels in a 3D chart |
Transparent Riser(s) in a 3D chart |
Uniform Quantative Data Representation (Riser) Shapes |
Viewing Angles of the 3D cube |
Viewing Structure definition |
Description |
Advanced 2D Depth of the data layer |
Advanced 2D Depth of Frame |
Advanced 2D Depth of Legend |
Advanced 2D Frame Foot definition |
Advanced 2D Frame Margin definition |
Advanced 2D Viewer Distance |
Advanced 2D Viewer X |
Advanced 2D Viewer Y |
Advanced Antialiasizing |
Advanced Background Radiosity (back lighting) |
Advanced Chart Light 1 definition |
Advanced Chart Light 2 definition |
Advanced Chart Light 3 definition |
Advanced Drop Shadow around a Pie Chart |
Advanced Default Material for objects |
Advanced Do Advanced Drawing of Chart |
Advanced Do Advanced Drawing of Chart Titles |
Advanced risers types in a 3D floating cube chart |
Advanced Field-of-View (FOV) |
Advanced HiFi Objects |
Advanced Label Material |
Advanced Light Ambient |
Advanced Loft Shape of risers |
Advanced Loft Twist of risers |
Advanced Material Ambient light reflecting from default material |
Advanced Material Glow from the default material |
Advanced Pie Edge Style |
Advanced feeler type in a pie chart |
Advanced Pie Labels Face (How much pie labels are turned to face the camera) |
Advanced Pie Tint Labels |
Advanced Riser Sides |
Advanced Rounding to apply to advanced 3D generated objects |
Advanced Text Styles |
Advanced Title Light definition |
Description |
Annotation Arc Information |
Annotation Arrow Angle |
Annotation Arrow Head Indent |
Annotation Arrow Head Width |
Annotation Arrow Preset |
Annotation Arrow Sides |
Annotation Arrow Tail Indent |
Annotation Arrow Tail Width |
Annotation Bounds |
Annotation Box Type Balloon |
Annotation Box Type Bullet Chart Text |
Annotation Box Type Box |
Annotation Box Type Double Edged Text Box |
Annotation Box Type No Box |
Annotation Box Type 3D Text Box |
Annotation Bullet Shape |
Annotation Bullet Size |
Annotation Bullet Spacing |
Annotation Endpoints of arrow or line |
Annotation Line Arrowheads |
Annotation Move |
Annotation Rectangle Roundness |
Annotation Rectangle Rounding 100% |
Annotation Rectangle Rounding 25% |
Annotation Rectangle Rounding 50% |
Annotation Rectangle Rounding 75% |
Annotation Rectangle Rounding None |
Annotation Text Box Editable Bounds |
Annotation Text Box Margins |
Annotation Text |
Annotation Thickness |
Bar/Area (ABA_) Attributes
Description |
Picture drawn on risers |
Description |
Automatic Color Model Control |
Color Division in Color Model |
Color Model scheme |
Series Color in a Color Model |
Wash of a Color Model |
Wash Begin color of a Color Model |
Wash End color of a Color Model |
Description |
Error Bar Mode |
Error Bar Type |
Error Bar Values |
Error Bars X-Axis Show All |
Error Bars X-Axis Show for Series |
Error Bars Y-Axis Show All |
Error Bars Y-Axis Show for Series |
Multi-Dimensional Labels Attributes
Description |
Options for Multi-dimensional labels |
Pie attributes are those that relate specifically to the pie charts: |
Description |
Autofit Label Pie |
Depth of Pie chart |
Draw Clockwise Pie chart |
Format Data Text in a Pie Chart |
Format Data Text Advanced in a Pie Chart |
Format Ring Text in a ring pie chart |
Format Ring Text Advanced in a ring pie chart |
Hole size of center ring in a ring pie chart |
Inset Label Pie |
Inset Pie (margins around a pie) |
Pies-Per-Row in a multiple pie chart |
Place Data Label in a Pie Chart |
Place Value Label in a Pie Chart |
Rotate Pie Chart |
Show As Column a series in a pie chart |
Show/Hide Feelers in a pie chart |
Show/Hide Label Feeler in a pie chart |
Show/Hide Label Pie in a pie chart |
Show/Hide Label Ring in a ring pie chart |
Slice Delete in a pie chart |
Slice Move in a pie chart |
Slice Restore slices deleted or moved in a pie chart |
Tilt a pie chart |
Tilt On/Off |
Description |
Angle in Degrees or Radian |
Axis Show/Hide in Polar coordinate chart |
Axis Circles in a Polar Chart |
Axis Thickness in a Polar Chart |
Line Format to connect connecting lines |
Lines connecting polar lines show/hide |
Description |
Legend Items (#of items per row/column in legend area) |
Legend Layout (horizontal/vertial) |
Reverse order of data for groups |
Reverse order of data for series |
Series Color |
Series Delete |
Swap series and groups |
Description |
High/Low bar Width of riser in a stock chart |
Item Data Text for data text items in a stock market chart |
Define metric lines in a stock chart |
Open/Close Height of ticks in a stock chart |
Open/Close Width of ticks in a stock chart |
Show/Hide close ticks in a stock chart |
Show/Hide Open ticks in a stock |
Defines the style of Markers on Stock Chart |
Description |
Autofit cell in a table chart |
Autofit Column Header in a table chart |
Autofit All (global autofitting) in a table chart |
Autofit Row Header in a table chart |
Autofit Subject in a table chart |
Autofit Text in a table chart |
Divisions in a table chart |
Line Control in a table chart |
Uniform Columns in a table chart |
Uniform Rows in a table chart |
Headless-Server Functions for Unix Applications |
Initialization and Termination Functions
The initialization and termination functions are only executed once in your application. |
API Function Name |
Description |
InitTDGLIB() |
Initialize the PGSDK library |
FiniTDGLIB() |
Finished Using PGSDK library |
Graph Structure Management Functions
The graph structure management functions are executed once for each graph that your application draws. Memory must be allocated as part of the initialization process for each graph. The memory must be freed when your application is finished with the graph. |
API Function Name |
Description |
AllocGraphPtr() |
Allocate a Graph Pointer |
FreeGraphPtr() |
Free Graph Pointer |
The graph imaging functions are the ones that perform the actual drawing of the chart. |
API Function Name |
Description |
DrawAnnotationLayer() |
Draw annotation layer |
DrawBackgroundLayer() |
Draw background layer |
DrawGraphLayer() |
Draw Graph Layer |
DrawTheGraph() |
Draw the Graph |
DryRunTheGraph() |
Dry Run The Graph |
IsGraphBackgroundVisible() |
Is the graph background visible? |
The draw environment functions are used to define the window, device context, destination rectangle, etc. where the graph(s) is(are) drawn. |
API Function Name |
Description |
AllocDrawEnvPtr() |
Allocate a Draw Environment Pointer |
DEForceDetNodes() |
Draw Environment Force Detection Nodes |
DEGetDestRect () |
Draw Environment Get Destination Rectangle |
DEGetDrawProcs () |
Draw Environment Get Drawing Procedures |
DEGetGlobalFontInfo () |
Draw Environment Get Global Font Information |
DEGetMeasurements() |
Draw Environment Get Measurements |
DEGetPenMode() |
Draw Environment Get Pen Mode |
DEGetPortInfo() |
Draw Environment Get Port Information |
DEGetVirtRect() |
Draw Environment Get Virtual Rectangle |
DERegisterCallbacks() |
Draw Environment Register Callback functions |
DESetActionProcs() |
Draw Environment Set Action Procedures |
DESetDestRect() |
Draw Environment Set Destination Rectangle |
DESetDrawProcs() |
Draw Environment Set Drawing Procedures |
DESetGlobalFontInfo() |
Draw Environment Set Global Font Information |
DESetMeasurements() |
Draw Environment Set Measurements |
DESetPenMode() |
Draw Environment Set Pen Mode |
DESetPortInfo() |
Draw Environment Set Port Information |
DESetVirtRect() |
Draw Environment Set Virtual Rectangle |
DrawBegin() |
Draw Begin |
DrawEnd() |
Draw End |
FreeDrawEnvPtr() |
Free Draw Environment Pointer |
The graph modification functions are primarily used to modify attributes of the chart. Your application can get information about the current attribute setting and also modify an attribute setting. |
API Function Name |
Description |
GetGraphAttr() |
Get Graph Attribute |
GetGraphAttrSI() |
Get Graph Attribute of an item in a selection list |
GetGraphAttrSL() |
Get Graph Attribute for all items in a selection list |
GetObjectMobility() |
Get Object Mobility |
SetGraphAttr() |
Set Graph Attribute |
SetGraphAttrSI() |
Set Graph Attribute for an item in a Selection List |
SetGraphAttrSL() |
Set Graph Attribute for all items in a Selection List |
Selection List Management Functions
The selection list management functions provide the API calls necessary to create and edit selection lists. The selection lists contain information about each object the user selects for modification. These functions make it easy for your application to select objects and make modifications to the object attributes. |
API Function Name |
Description |
CreateSelItemOutline() |
Create Selection Item Outline |
DestroySelItemOutline() |
Destroy Selection Item Outline |
GetFirstDetNodeRef() |
Get First Detection Node Reference |
IsMarkerSelected() |
Is marker selected? |
Item2DetRef() |
Selection Item -to- Detection Reference conversion |
MoveSelectedItem() |
Move a selected item to a new virtual location |
Remove() |
Remove item(s) from a selection list |
RemoveItem() |
Remove an item from a selection list |
Select_AddGroupsRelatedObjects() |
Select Add Group-Related Objects to Selection List |
Select_AddHeightRelatedObjects() |
Select Add Height-Related Objects to Selection List |
Select_AddItem() |
Select Add Item to Selection List |
Select_AddRelatedItems() |
Select Add Related Items to Selection List |
Select_AddSeriesRelatedObjects() |
Select Add Series-Related Objects to Selection List |
Select_AllocList() |
Select Allocate Selection List |
Select_CalcHandlesItem() |
Select Calculate Handles Selection Item |
Select_CalcHandlesList() |
Select Calculate Handles Selection List |
Select_ClearList() |
Select Clear Selection List |
Select_DrawXorItem() |
Select Draw Xor Selection Item |
Select_DrawXorList() |
Select Draw Xor Selection List |
Select_DuplicateList() |
Select Duplicate Selection List |
Select_FreeList() |
Select Free Selection List |
Select_GetFirstItem() |
Select Get First Item in Selection List |
Select_GetListBounds() |
Select Get Selection List Bounds |
Select_GetListInfo() |
Select Get Selection List Information |
Select_GetNextItem() |
Select Get Next Item in Selection List |
Select_GetSelectedSeriesID() |
Select Get Selected Series ID |
Select_Group() |
Select Group in Selection List |
Select_HandleHitTest() |
Select Selection List Handle Hit Text |
Select_IsEqual() |
Select are two selection items equal? |
Select_IsObjectSelected() |
Select is object selected in selection list? |
Select_IsSeriesRelatedObject() |
Select is series-related object? |
Select_RebuildItem() |
Select rebuild item in Selection list |
Select_RebuildList() |
Select rebuild Selection list |
Select_RemoveItem() |
Select remove item from Selection list |
Select_RemoveRelatedItems() |
Select remove related items from Selection List |
Select_SearchList() |
Select Search Selection list |
Select_SelectAllSeriesRelatedObjects() |
Select all series-related objects in a chart |
Select_UnGroup() |
Select Ungroup Selection list |
SelectDetNode() |
Select Detection Node |
SelectDetNodesInRect() |
Select Detection Nodes in a Rectangle |
Detection Node Management Functions
API Function Name |
Description |
FindDetNode() |
Find Detection Node |
FindNextDetNode() |
Find Next Detection Node |
FreeAllDetNodes() |
Free All detection Nodes |
FreeDetNode() |
Free Detection Nodes |
GetDetNode() |
Get Detection Node |
GetDetNodeObjectID() |
Get Detection Node Object ID |
GetNextDetNode() |
Get Next Detection Node |
GetRiserDetNodeLimit() |
Get Riser Detection Node Limit |
LockDetNodeRef() |
Lock a Detection Node Reference |
SetRiserDetNodeLimit() |
Set Riser Detection Node Limit |
UnlockDetNodeRef() |
Unlock Detection Node Reference |
The alignment functions make it easy to align objects on the screen. |
API Function Name |
Description |
AlignInsideEdges() |
Align Inside Edges of a selection list |
AlignSelList_Bottom() |
Align Selection List Bottom |
AlignSelList_Center() |
Align Selection List Center |
AlignSelList_Left() |
Align Selection List Left |
AlignSelList_Right() |
Align Selection List Right |
AlignSelList_Top() |
Align Selection List Top |
CenterOnPage() |
Center objects in selection list |
JoinHoriz() |
Join movable objects in the selection list horizontally |
JoinToFirst() |
Join movable objects in the selection list to first |
JoinVert() |
Join movable objects in the selection list vertically |
MakeSameSize() |
Make all items in the selection list the same size as the first item |
SizeToPicture() |
Resize and relocate all items in the selection list |
API Function Name |
Description |
_SDK_AllocHandle() |
Allocate relocatable memory in a platform-independent manner |
_SDK_AllocHandleClear() |
Allocate relocatable memory in a platform-independent manner and clear it |
_SDK_AllocPtr() |
Allocate non-relocatable memory |
_SDK_AllocPtrClear() |
Allocate non-relocatable memory and clear it |
_xFreeHandle() |
Free previously allocated relocatable memory |
_xFreePtr() |
Deallocate a block of non-relocatable memory |
CloneHandle() |
Clone a memory handle |
ClonePtr() |
Clone a Pointer |
env_CompactMem() |
Compact Memory |
LockHandle() |
Lock a memory handle |
Ptr2Handle() |
Pointer -to- Handle Conversion |
Ptr2XHandle() |
Pointer -to- XHandle Conversion |
ReAllocHandle() |
Reallocate Handle |
ReAllocHandleClear() |
Reallocate Handle Clear |
SetvarHdlSize() |
Set Variable Handle Size |
SizeOfHandle() |
Get Size of Handle |
SizeOfPtr() |
Get Size of Pointer |
UnlockHandle() |
Unlock memory handle |
The annotation functions provide control for annotation objects: |
API Function Name |
Description |
AnodeHdl2ID() |
Convert Annotation Node Handle to Annotation ID |
AnodeID2DetRef() |
Convert Annotation Node ID to a Detection Reference |
AnodeID2ZLayer() |
Annotation Node ID -to- Z-Layer Conversion |
Bring2Front() |
Bring Selection List to Front |
BringForward() |
Bring Selection List Forward |
CreateAnode() |
Create an Annotation Node |
CreatePictureAnode() |
Create Picture Annotation Node |
DetRef2AnodeID() |
Detection Node Reference-to-Annotation Node ID conversion |
DrawAllAnodes() |
Draw all annotation nodes |
DrawAnAnode() |
Draw an annotation node |
Duplicate() |
Duplicate all annotation nodes |
FreeAllAnodes() |
Free All Annotation Nodes |
GetAnnotationText() |
Get Annotation Text |
GetAnodeFromTextboxID() |
Get Annotation Node from Text Box ID |
GetRectAnodeInfo() |
Get Rectangle Annotation Node Information |
ID2AnodeHdl() |
Annotation Node ID -to- Annotation Node Handle Conversion |
IsAnode() |
Is the object in at detection record an annotation node? |
SelectAnode_AddItem() |
Select Annotation Node Add Item to Selection List |
SelectAnode_All() |
Select All Annotation Nodes in Selection List |
Send2Back() |
Send Selection List to Back |
SendBackward() |
Send Selection List Backward |
SetAnnotationText() |
Set Annotation Text |
SetRectAnodeInfo() |
Set Rectangle Annotation Node Information |
ZLayer2AnodeID() |
Get annotation object ID of a given Z-layer |
API Function Name |
Description |
AddPolyPoint() |
Add Polygon Points |
AllocPolyHandle() |
Allocate a Polygon Handle |
ClonePolyHandle() |
Clone a Polygon Handle |
ClosePolyHandle() |
Close a Polygon Handle |
dump_PolyHandle() |
Output information about a polygon |
FreePolyHandle() |
Free Poly Handle |
GetPolyBounds() |
Get Polygon Bounds |
GetPolyPoint() |
Get Polygon Point |
GetPolyPointCount() |
Get Polygon Point Count |
GetPolyPtrBounds() |
Get Polygon Point Bounds |
GetPolyPtrPointCount() |
Get Polygon Point Count |
LockPolyHandle() |
Lock a polygon handle |
Points2Poly() |
Put points into a polygon |
UnlockPolyHandle() |
Unlock polygon handle |
API Function Name |
Description |
IOclose() |
Platform-independent file close |
IOconnect() |
Platform-independent file connect |
IOgetc() |
Platform-independent file get character |
IOgets() |
Platform-independent file string |
IOopen() |
Platform-independent file open |
IOread() |
Platform-independent file read |
IOseek() |
Platform-independent file seek |
IOwrite() |
Platform-independent file write |
The RAM file functions can be used to save a chart to memory instead of a file. |
API Function Name |
Description |
AllocRamFile() |
Allocate a RAM File |
FreeRamFile() |
Free RAM File |
GetRamFileBuffer() |
Get RAM File Buffer |
GetRamFileName() |
Get RAM File Name |
RFgetc() |
Ram File Get Character |
RFrewind() |
Ram File Rewind |
RFseek() |
Ram File Seek |
RFwrite() |
Ram File Write |
SetRamFileSize() |
Set RAM File Size |
API Function Name |
Description |
_SetGraphRowColData() |
Set data in the spreadsheet cell for the graph |
_SetGraphRowColPageData() |
Set data in the spreadsheet cell for the graph |
AccGraphDataStatus() |
Verify a graph's data set |
GetDataFormatID() |
Get Data Format ID |
GetDataRange() |
Get Data Range |
GetGraphDataInfo() |
Get Graph Data Information |
GetGraphFootNote() |
Get Graph Footnote |
GetGraphGroupsLabel() |
Get Graph Groups Label |
GetGraphGroupsTitle() |
Get Graph Groups Title |
GetGraphPage() |
Get Graph Page |
GetGraphRowColData() |
Get Graph Row/Column Data |
GetGraphRowColPageData() |
Get Graph Row/Column Page Data |
GetGraphRowColString() |
Get Graph Row/Column String |
GetGraphSeriesLabel() |
Get Graph Series Label |
GetGraphSeriesTitle() |
Get Graph Series Title |
GetGraphSubTitle() |
Get Graph Subtitle |
GetGraphSubType() |
Get Graph Sub-Type |
GetGraphTitle() |
Get Graph Title |
GetGraphY1AxisTitle() |
Get Graph Y1-Axis Title |
GetGraphY2AxisTitle() |
Get Graph Y2-Axis Title |
GetGraphY3AxisTitle() |
Get Graph Y3-Axis Title |
GetGraphY4AxisTitle() |
Get Graph Y4-Axis Title |
GetGroupHeaderString() |
Get Group Header String |
GetRawLimits() |
Get Raw Limits |
GetSeriesHeaderString() |
Get Series Header String |
SetDataRange() |
Set Data Range |
SetGraphData() |
Set Graph Data |
SetGraphDataInfo() |
Set Graph Data Information |
SetGraphFootNote() |
Set Graph Footnote |
SetGraphGroupsLabel() |
Set Graph Groups Label |
SetGraphGroupsTitle() |
Set Graph Groups Title |
SetGraphLabels() |
Set Graph Labels |
SetGraphRowColData() |
Set Graph Row/Column Data |
SetGraphRowColString() |
Set Graph Row/Column String |
SetGraphSeriesLabel() |
Set Graph Series Label |
SetGraphSeriesTitle() |
Set Graph Series Title |
SetGraphSubTitle() |
Set Graph Subtitle |
SetGraphTitle() |
Set Graph Title |
SetGraphY1AxisTitle() |
Set Graph Y1-Axis Title |
SetGraphY2AxisTitle() |
Set Graph Y2-Axis Title |
SetGraphY3AxisTitle() |
Set Graph Y3-Axis Title |
SetGraphY4AxisTitle() |
Set Graph Y4-Axis Title |
The UNDO functions provide you with the ability to save user modifications and perform an UNDO on the modifications. Implemented in your application, these functions provide your user with the UNDO features expected in a Windows application. |
API Function Name |
Description |
ClearUndo() |
Clear the Undo List |
GetUndoStatus() |
Get Undo Status |
IsUndoListEmpty() |
Is the Undo List empty? |
PerformUndo() |
Perform Undo |
SetUndoMode() |
Set Undo Mode |
SetUndoStatus() |
Set Undo Status |
UndoSelListMove() |
Undo Selection List Move |
The 3D function draw, clear, and get information about the wire frame outline of the 3D chart to aid in rotating and scaling the chart: |
API Function Name |
Description |
CheckWireframe() |
Check the 3D graph wire frame |
ClearWireframe() |
Clear the 3D graph wire frame |
DrawWireframe() |
Draw 3D wire frame |
GetWireFrameBounds() |
Get Wire Frame Bounds |
API Function Name |
Description |
AdjustToKeepChartOnScreen() |
Adjust Frame to Keep Chart on Screen |
AreVisualizeEffectUsed() |
Are Visualize Effects Used? |
CanUseEntireOrdAxis() |
Can the chart use the entire ordinal axis to draw? |
CreateRisers() |
Create Risers |
DetermineScale() |
Determine Scale of the graph |
EnablePlaceDefaultElements() |
Routine to Disable/Enable PlaceDefaultElements Logic |
GetAxisScaleMinMax() |
Get the Minimum/Maximum Scaling for an Axis |
GetGraphDocSize() |
Get Graph Document Size |
GetGraphOrientation() |
Get Graph Orientation |
GetGraphResolutionUnit() |
Get Graph Resolution Units |
GetGraphType() |
Get Graph Type |
GetGraphTypeIndex() |
Get Graph Type Index |
GetLegendLayoutInformation() |
Get Legend Layout Information |
GetSGCount() |
Get Series/Group Count |
GloSetMaxAutofitSize() |
Global Set Maximum Autofit Size |
GloSetMinAutofitSize() |
Global Set Minimum Autofit Size |
IsBipolar() |
Is the graph a bi-polar chart? |
IsDataText() |
Is object data text? |
IsDualYAxes() |
Is the graph a Dual-Y axes chart? |
IsO1AxisUsed() |
Is the O1-Axis used in a chart? |
IsXAxisUsed() |
Is the X-Axis used in a chart? |
IsY1AxisUsed() |
Is the Y1-Axis used in a chart? |
IsY2AxisUsed() |
Is the Y2-Axis used in a chart? |
IsY3AxisUsed() |
Is the Y3-Axis used in a chart? |
IsY4AxisUsed() |
Is the Y4-Axis used in a chart? |
PlaceDefaultElements |
Place Default Elements |
RecalcLegend() |
Recalculate Legends |
SetGraphDocSize() |
Set Graph Document Side |
SetGraphResolutionUnit() |
Set Graph Resolution Units |
API Function Name |
Description |
AbsPoint() |
Absolute Point |
AddPoints() |
Add Points |
dCheckRect() |
Verify the top, bottom, left and right parameters of a rectangle |
dSetRect() |
Define a Rectangle |
dvCrust() |
Device-to-Virtual Coordinates conversion of a CrustInfoRec |
dvPoint() |
Device-to-Virtual Coordinates conversion of a Point |
dvPoint2D() |
Device-to-Virtual Coordinates conversion of a Point2D |
dvPoly() |
Device-to-Virtual Coordinates conversion of a Poly |
dvRect() |
Device-to-Virtual Coordinates conversion of a Rect |
dvScaleHeight() |
Device-to-Virtual Coordinates conversion of Scale Height |
dvScalePoint() |
Device-to-Virtual Coordinates conversion of Scale Point |
dvScalePoint2D() |
Device-to-Virtual Coordinates conversion of Scale Point 2D |
dvScaleWidth() |
Device-to-Virtual Coordinates conversion of Scale Width |
dvSlice() |
Device-to-Virtual Coordinates conversion of a SliceInfoRec |
dvWedge() |
Device-to-Virtual Coordinates conversion of a WedgeInfoRec |
pvScaleHeight() |
Physical -to- Virtual Scale Height Conversion |
pvScaleWidth() |
Physical -to- Virtual Scale Width Conversion |
ScalePoint() |
Scale a Point |
SubPoints() |
Subtract Points |
vCheckRect() |
Verify rectangle definition is consistent with coordinate system |
vdCrust |
Virtual-to-Device Coordinates conversion of a CrustInfoRec |
vdPoint() |
Virtual-to-Device Coordinates conversion of a Point |
vdPoint2D() |
Virtual-to-Device Coordinates conversion of a Point2D |
vdPoly() |
Virtual-to-Device Coordinates conversion of a Poly |
vdRect() |
Virtual-to-Device Coordinates conversion of a Rect |
vdScaleHeight() |
Virtual-to-Device Coordinates conversion of Scale Height |
vdScalePoint() |
Virtual-to-Device Coordinates conversion of Scale Point |
vdScalePoint2D() |
Virtual-to-Device Coordinates conversion of Scale Point2D |
vdScaleWidth() |
Virtual-to-Device Coordinates conversion of Scale Width |
vdSlice() |
Virtual-to-Device Coordinates conversion of a SliceInfoRec |
vdWedge() |
Virtual-to-Device Coordinates conversion of a WedgeInfoRec |
vSetRect() |
Set rectangle definition that is consistent with coordinate system |
xBoxToRect() |
Translate BoxInstRec to Rect |
xCompareRects() |
Translate compare rectangles |
xDefineRect() |
Translate define rectangle |
xHeightOfRect() |
Translate Height of Rectangle |
xInsetRect() |
Translate Inset Rectangle |
xIntersectRect() |
Translate Intersect Rectangle |
xNormalizeDegrees() |
Translate Normalize Degrees |
xNormalizeRadians() |
Translate Normalize Radians |
xOffsetRect() |
Translate Offset Rectangle |
xPoint2DToPoint() |
Translate Point2D -to- Point |
xPointToPoint2D() |
Translate Point -to- Point2D |
xPt2Degrees() |
Translate Point -to- Degrees |
xPt2Radians() |
Translate Point -to- Radians |
xPtInEllipse() |
Translate Point In Ellipse |
xPtInPoly() |
Translate Point In Polygon |
xPtInRect() |
Translate Point in Rectangle |
xPtInSlice() |
Determine if a point is in a slice |
xPtInWedge() |
Determine if a point is in a wedge |
xRectToBox() |
Translate Rectangle -to- BoxInstRec |
xSumOfRects() |
Translate Sum of Rectangles |
xWidthOfRect() |
Translate Width of Rectangle |
API Function Name |
Description |
ExportBMP() |
Export a chart image as a bit-map to a file |
ExportBMPtoRamFile() |
Export a chart image as a bit-map to a RAM file |
ExportGIF() |
Export a chart image as a .GIF file |
ExportGIFtoMemory() |
Export a chart image as a .GIF image to memory |
ExportPNG() |
Export a chart image as a PNG image to a file |
ExportPNGToMemory() |
Export a chart image as a PNG image to memory |
SaveImageToFile() |
Save the image of a graph to a file in any format |
SaveImageToMemory() |
Save the image of a graph to memory in any format |
API Function Name |
Description |
Clone_TIFFGraph() |
Clone a TIFF Graph |
F3DF_ReadDescription() |
Read description string from TIFF file |
F3DF_ReadThumbnail() |
Read thumbnail from TIFF file |
Load_TIFFGraph() |
Load a TIFF graph |
Load_TIFFGraphPath() |
Load a TIFF graph path |
Save_TIFFGraph() |
Save TIFF Graph |
Save_TIFFGraphPath() |
Save TIFF Graph Path |
Save_TIFFGraphPathTrim() |
Save TIFF Graph Path with trim option |
ThumbWIN_GetFileDescriptionFromGraph() |
Get File Description from Graph |
ThumbWIN_GetThumbnailFromGraph() |
Get Thumbnail from Graph |
ThumbWIN_LoadDescription() |
Load description into graph |
ThumbWIN_LoadThumbnail() |
Load thumbnail into graph |
ThumbWIN_SetFileDescriptionIntoGraph() |
Set File Description into Graph |
ThumbWIN_UpdateInGraph() |
Update Thumbnail in Graph |
Advanced Drawing (OpenGL) Functions
API Function Name |
Description |
OGL_BeginFirstPass() |
Open GL/Begin First Pass |
OGL_BlitOffscreen() |
Open GL/Blit Off-Screen |
OGL_DrawBegin() |
Open GL/Draw Begin |
OGL_DrawEnd() |
Open GL/Draw End |
OGL_GetChartStatus() |
Open GL/Get Chart Status |
OGL_GetOffscreenDC() |
Open GL/Get Off-Screen Device Context |
OGL_InitOffscreen() |
Open GL/Initialize Off-Screen |
OGL_RegisterOffscreenPort() |
Open GL/Register Off-Screen Port |
OGL_RegisterPort() |
Open GL/Register Port |
OGL_SetTessellationDetail() |
Open GL/Set Tessellation Detail |
User Interface Dialog Functions
API Function Name |
Description |
InitAmigoDialog() |
Initialize the Amigo user-interface dialogs |
Prompt3DViewAnglePresetDialog() |
Prompt 3D View Angle Preset Dialog |
PromptChartOptionsDialog() |
Prompt Chart Options Dialog |
PromptChartTypesDialog() |
Prompt Chart Types Dialog |
PromptDataAnalyzerDialog() |
Prompt Data Analyzer Dialog |
PromptDropShadowDialog() |
Prompt Drop Shadow Dialog |
PromptFillGradientsDialog() |
Prompt Fill Gradients Dialog |
PromptFillPatternDialog() |
Prompt Fill Pattern Dialog |
PromptFillPicturesDialog() |
Prompt Fill Pictures Dialog |
PromptFillTexturesDialog() |
Prompt Fill Textures Dialog |
PromptFormattingDialog() |
Prompt Formatting Dialog |
PromptGridScaleDialog() |
Prompt Grids & Scales Dialog |
PromptLightingPresetDialog() |
Prompt Lighting Preset Dialog |
PromptLineGradientsDialog() |
Prompt Line Gradients Dialog |
PromptLinePatternDialog() |
Prompt Line Pattern Dialog |
PromptLinePicturesDialog() |
Prompt Line Pictures Dialog |
PromptLineTexturesDialog() |
Prompt Line Textures Dialog |
PromptModelPresetDialog() |
Prompt Line Model Preset Dialog |
PromptSeriesOptionsDialog() |
Prompt Line Series Options Dialog |
PromptTextGradientsDialog() |
Prompt Text Gradients Dialog |
PromptTextPatternDialog() |
Prompt Text Pattern Dialog |
PromptTextPicturesDialog() |
Prompt Text Pictures Dialog |
PromptTextTexturesDialog() |
Prompt Text Textures Dialog |
PromptTitleDialog() |
Prompt Titles Dialog |
SetHelpFilePath() |
Set Help File Path for User-Interface Dialogs |
API Function Name |
Description |
ReadJAVAScriptChartFile |
Read JAVA Script Chart File |
WriteJAVAScriptChartFile |
Write JAVA Script Chart File |
Headless-Server Functions for Unix Applications
API Function Name |
Description |
GloGetDefaultFontName() |
Get TrueType default font name |
GloGetDefaultFontPath() |
Get TrueType default font path |
gloSetBackgroundGIF() |
Set unpainted background pixels to be a passed-in GIF file. |
GloSetDefaultFontName() |
Set TrueType default font name |
GloSetDefaultFontPath() |
Set TrueType default font path |
HS_DryRunTheGraph() |
Headless-Server version of DryRunTheGraph() |
HS_PlaceDefaultElements() |
Headless-Server version of PlaceDefaultElements() |
API Function Name |
Description |
AllocDetListHandle() |
Allocate a Detection List Handle |
Categorize3DObject() |
Is an object part of a graph cube, riser, or neither? |
ChangeXanTextboxID() |
Change Text Box ID |
CheckDetList() |
Check detection list in a draw environment |
CreateMBCFontHandle() |
Creates a font handle based on a existing logical font in the draw environment |
EncompassLineThickness() |
Expands the bounding rectangle of an item to include the thickness of its border or line |
FindBoxForText() |
Find a box for title, subtitle, or footnote text |
FixupAxisTitleLocation() |
Fix the axis title location |
FreeDetListHandle() |
Free Detection Node List Handle |
GetAdvFormat() |
Get an Advanced Format structure |
GetDLLVersion() |
Get DLL Version String |
GetGroupHeaderPos() |
Get Group Header Position |
GetRiserBounds() |
Get Riser Bounds |
GetRiserSurface() |
Get Riser Surface |
GetScaleBoundaries() |
Get Scale Boundaries |
GetSeriesHeaderPos() |
Get Series Header Position |
GetTableChartCellDimensions() |
Get Table Chart Cell Dimensions |
InitAdvFormat() |
Initialize AdvFormat data structure |
IsObjectATextBox() |
Is the object a text box? |
MBCExists() |
Multi-Byte Characters Exist? |
PackDate() |
Pack date in the AdvFormat structure |
RestoreVisualizeGraph() |
Restore Visualize Graph |
SetErrorCallBack() |
Set Error Callback function |
SetLineItemPoints() |
Set Line Item Points |
SetTableChartCellDimensions() |
Set Table Chart Cell Dimensions |
SetVisibilityMode() |
Set Visibility Mode |
StdFormat() |
Format numerical values into a presentable string |
SwapDetListHandle() |
Swap Detection List Handle |
Update_ClearList() |
Update Clear List |
Update_GetFirstItem() |
Update Get First Item |
Update_GetInvalRect() |
Update Get Invalid Rectangle |
Update_GetNextItem() |
Update Get Next Item |
UnPackDateTime() |
Unpack Pack Date and Time in the AdvFormat structure |
The callback configuration of the DLL requires your application to provide a callback function. The function is called by the DLL with a row and column number to provide the data for charting. This configuration is best when your application is already buffering the data to be graphed. For example, your application collects the data from a database, a mainframe, a network, proprietary file format, etc., and buffers it for other purposes. Each time the graph is drawn the DLL calls your function to provide each data point and string for the chart. The following call-back functions are defined in the header file: |
CALLBACK *LPFNGetLabelCallBack |
CALLBACK *LPFNGetStringCallBack |
CALLBACK *LPFNRealToStringCallBack |
CALLBACK *LPFNPictureCallBack |
This data interface calls a function in your application. A parameter points to a location for your function to load the requested data. The library does not buffer the data; once the data is charted, the data is overwritten with the next piece of data for charting. This data interface is best when your application already buffers the data. This prevents double buffering of the data by the library. Each time the chart is drawn by DrawTheGraph(), the data is requested from your application. |
The library includes a header file, PG32.H, contains all of the function prototypes, data structures, and constants. You must include the PG32.H file in all of your .C files that access a charting engine function: |
/* Presentation Graphics SDK header file */ |
The compile command line must define WINDOWS and _WINDOWS. A sample compile command for Microsoft C 6 is shown below. |
cl -AM -c -d -Gsw -Od -W2 -Zpi -DWINDOWS -D_WINDOWS samp1.c |
Setup for Compilers other than Visual C++ 6.0: |
1) |
Add the \INCLUDE directory to your MSVC include path. |
2) |
Add the \LIB directory to your MSVC lib path. |
The Presentation Graphics SDK library must be linked into your application. A sample link command for Microsoft C 6 is shown below: |
link samp1,/align:16,/map, pg mlibcew libw/NOD/NOE/CO, samp1.def |
What else do you need to know?
Three |D| Graphics has been licensing its technology to leading software companies such as Corel, Oracle, Cognos, and Symantec. We know that every developer has different needs and we aim to provide the highest quality technology and assistance possible. To learn more about how we can help you, please contact us at: |
Mailing Address: 11340 West Olympic Blvd., #300, Los Angeles, CA. 90064 |
Telephone: 1.800.913.0008 or 1.310.231.3330 |
FAX: 1.310.231.3303 |
eMail: |