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Corporate Products | iOS:Chart
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Interactive Chart Library for
iPhone, iPad and Mac OS X®

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A powerful new Chart Library for iOS and OS X

Introducing iOS:Chart-3D, a new chart library providing true three dimensional charts for iOS and Mac OS X developers.

Note our typical two dimensional bar chart. Five series over a five year period. Lots of information. But the individual trends are diffcult to visualize.

Look at the same information in a Three D Graphics three dimensional bar chart. The trends are dramatically shown. Almost. Some of the important data is hidden

So let's make user-selected data transparent to user-determined degree. The hidden information is no longer hidden!

But let's make our example even more powerful by adding an interactive table. Change the table or click/drag the bars and everything immediately adjusts to suit. An instant and valuable top down "what if" analytics.

iOS:Chart-3D costs $995.

To place an order, or to discuss your requirements - including any customization, call us at (310) 231-3330 x307 or e-mail us at

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